Electronic Software and License Delivery

Download Help

Download Methods

You can use HTTPS to download a single file or choose a 'Bundled Download' of one or more files using Download Manager software.

  • To download a single file, navigate to the 'Product Information' page and click on the link of the appropriate product description. From the 'Product Download' page, click on the file name link.
  • To download one or more files, navigate to the 'Product Information' page and click on the link of the appropriate product description. From the 'Product Download' page, check the box next to each file you want to download and click the 'Download Selected Files' button. If this is your first 'Bundled Download', you will be prompted to install the Download Manager software.
Common Downloading Problems

Here are solutions to the most common questions or problems experienced when downloading:

  • The download seems to complete successfully, but when I try to unzip or install the program, I get a "Bad archive" or "Not a valid archive" error message.

    This is an indication that the file you have downloaded is not complete. Compare the file size (in bytes) on your hard-drive against what the website lists for that file. In most of these cases, the sizes will not match, and you will need to download the file again

  • I get "Not enough free disk space" or similar error messages indicating that I do not have enough free disk space available - but I checked and I do have enough free space.

    Operating systems, such as Windows, use a temporary location to hold the file until the download completes before transferring the file to its destination. This is typically on C:, and therefore that drive as well as the target location needs to have enough free space to hold the file you are downloading.

    To check if the location and amount of disk space of your temporary directory is adequate for the file that you are downloading, select Tools, Internet Options from the Internet Explorer toolbar menu, and then click "Settings" on the General tab. If the space is not adequate, you can clear out any unnecessary files from that space by clicking "Delete Files" also from the General tab.

    On some systems, the C: drive is a small partition or used up by installed applications - in these cases, the D: drive or other location may have more free space for this purpose.